My sister-in-law frequently asks me for book recommendations, and she suggested that I go farther than simply reviewing individual books on this blog or sending lists to individuals who ask (something I love to do and will continue to do, despite these lists, so don't feel shy about asking). She said she'd like a list she can access any time and peruse at her leisure. And after giving the idea careful consideration for about three nanoseconds, I whole-heartedly agreed. An opportunity to make a list? (I love lists!) About books? (I love books!) The choice was clear.
I have compiled several lists to make it easier to find something you're in the mood for; I will be posting these over the next few days. You will be able to access these lists easily at any time because they'll all be under their own label. See the "Labels" section to the right, underneath "Total Pageviews"? Click on "Lit Lists" and you'll be taken right to all of my recommendations - scroll down to see them all. I have broken my recommendations into the following categories:
- Fiction - This seems self-explanatory. I've made sub-lists, where appropriate, for genres like short story collections.
- Non-fiction - Lots of topics will be represented here. Sub-categories include History and Autobiography.
- Classics - The term "classic" is subjective, so I expect some disagreement about whether all of the books on this list qualify. I'm defining a "classic" as a book that has stood the test of time for at least a few decades, but perhaps a lot more than that. There are classics you read because you feel like you should (like eating raw kale), and then there are classics that are so compulsively readable and wonderful that you sort of forget they're good for you (like eating baked kale chips with plenty of olive oil, sea salt, and grated Parmesan). This list is composed of the latter variety, and I think they're all lip-smacking good.
- YA for Adults - As of now, I'm not going to make a list of kids/young adult (YA) books; there are far too many to consider and I don't have the time to do a project like that justice*. However, I do read/listen to a lot of young adult books and consider some of them to be worthwhile even for adults. If you're looking for a beach read that isn't too frivolous, the books on this list might be good choices. The language will be more basic than many novels written for adult audiences, but they tell compelling stories through top-notch writing.
The books will be arranged roughly in the order in which I read them with the newest on top, and I plan to keep updating them as I read more, excellent books. Feel free to ask me additional questions about the titles I've listed, though note that I may not be able to be too specific with some of the ones on the lower part of the list.
I'm very much looking forward to sharing my love of literature in this format! Please feel free to pass these lists on others, and send me any suggestions you have. Happy browsing!
*If you'd like a list of book considerations for young people in your life and you're a member of Goodreads, I invite you to send a friend request to Yellincenter, the Goodreads account I set up for my office. I've listed hundreds of books for children and young adults and categorized them by genre and age. Once I have accepted your request, you'll be able to browse all of my recommendations for young readers.
I can't WAIT for this!!!!!!