Those of you who know me well know that I'm a tad touchy about correctness when it comes to written mechanics. (You also know that I make sweeping understatements.) There is a new movie out called
Bridesmaids and the posters on the subway that advertise it have me nearly spitting with indignation. Here's the problem: although technically the word "bridesmaids" should be possessive, as the maids belong, in a sense, to the bride, it is generally written as one word. Ok. My issue is that on the poster the word is split into two so that it reads "Brides Maids." To be correct, the designers of the poster should have a) included a hyphen to indicate that the word is, in fact, two words and therefore gotten around the possession issue, or, b) made the word "bride" possessive and eliminated the hyphen. One or the other would have done it, but neither is not acceptable.
When my friends declined to join my crusade - and were shockingly calm about the situation in general - I decided to take matters into my own hands. On my key chain, I always carry a small Sharpie. In a selfless act to improve of the minds of New Yorkers everywhere, I have been correcting these posters by adding the missing apostrophe (although, it must be admitted, only when there is a lot of platform between me and other waiting passengers). I wouldn't say I'm a hero. But you can.
Hmmm. Orange may not be the best color choice. Red would probably be more visible, and it would match my rage. |
Hahaha - Love it! :)