Last night, after my last tutoring appointment, I went out to Brooklyn to hang out with a college friend who recently moved to New York. After spending a few pleasant, uneventful hours there, I was headed home when I got a text message from my friend Jeremy inviting me to come hang out with him. It was 12:30 and I was a long way from home, so I said I was probably going to pass. "Come on," he said. "I'm hanging out with international male supermodels." Right. But then he said he was in Brooklyn, not too far from where I was, so I figured I'd stop by. He gave me the address, and I took the train, then walked a few blocks. I found myself in front of a nice building and called Jeremy to get the buzzer number. "Hit 4," he said. I was buzzed in, and I rode the elevator, somewhat annoyed that he hadn't told me the apartment number. I knew only that it was somewhere on the 4th floor.
I was partly right: He wasn't somewhere on the 4th floor, the apartment where I found him WAS the 4th floor. The whole thing. The doors opened into a huge, airy living room. To the left, was a kitchen with granite countertops. And sitting at the granite countertop was a grinning Jeremy and the two most handsome men I have ever seen in my life.

Danny Schwarz, 9th most highly-paid male model in the world.

Re-enactment of the dignified way I conducted myself upon entering the apartment.
One of them cheerfully stood up and shook my hand. "I'm __________," he said in a British accent. "I'm __________," said the other in an equally British accent. "Want a beer?"
After about five minutes, I collected myself enough to actually listen to their names. Throughout the night, Jeremy filled me in on their backgrounds. Both have been featured in billboards, magazines, and websites for top designers like Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, etc. Danny was on a billboard in Times Square and can now be seen on the side of the red double-decker buses that tourists ride around in to see the landmark sights in New York. He was a very well-known DJ in England before Jaime pulled him into modeling. They joined Jeremy's acting class, and he found himself out for drinks with them somewhat unexpectedly and decided to invite me along for the ride, for which I will be grateful to him until my dying day. Ten minutes after I arrived, we were in a cab headed to some swanky club in Manhattan, with both models talking a mile a minute. They're really very nice guys, quite personable and funny. They had to pay me back for the cab ride later in the evening because all they had were piles of $100's - Jeremy says they're both multi-millionaires - which the driver didn't want to take. At the club, we got a prime table immediately and I didn't pay a dime for one of the most fantastic, surreal nights I've ever had. We closed the place down, heading out at 4:00 A.M., and both squeezed my hand, told me how nice it was to meet me, and kissed my cheek as we said our farewells.
Just, y'know, another Thursday night in New York.
Dear B: I hate you. That sounds like a ridiculous night. Love, S.