Ah, the joys of having a kitchen! Behold my latest culinary endeavors:

Trail Mix cookies, made for my dad's visit. I was proud of the way they turned out (new recipe found on the Internet) but I was even more proud of my cooling rack; it's actually part of a shelving unit which I didn't assemble completely because the shelves wouldn't all fit. Score! A slight problem, however, is that my oven sets off both the carbon monoxide and smoke detectors when I turn it on. I've really got to call the landlord about that... In the meantime, I'm grateful that we have a lot of windows.

Raspberries FINALLY went on sale, so I'm infusing a second batch of vodka. Since I took this picture almost a week ago the raspberries have gotten paler and the vodka has gotten pinker. I hope this is a sign that the flavor is leaching into the vodka along with the color. I have yet to taste it, but it still smells a lot like rubbing alcohol.

I have been wanting to try making pickles for ages, and I found a recipe for bread and butter pickles that got excellent reviews. It includes cider vinegar, cloves, and mustard seeds among other things and I think the finished product is absolutely delicious. My dad came up with number excuses to avoid tasting them and Dave seems wholly repulsed by the idea (I think he soured when he came home to the smell of boiling vinegar), but Anthony was impressed. Well, if no one wants to share them with me, that means I get to eat more.
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