Have an extra $5 million or so collecting dust somewhere? Donate it to TC and they'll name my dorm after you. It won't be "my dorm" for too much longer, however; Dave and I found a great apartment and I've got about three weeks left here. I've already started packing a bit, so it seemed like a good idea to take pictures while my room still looks like my room. As inconvenient as it is not to have a kitchen, it's been great to live here and I'll miss it.
-Is that dresser yours?
-Is that table yours?
-Is that bookshelf yours?
-Is that chair yours?
Yes. Anthony drove it over from Ikea for me at the beginning of the year and assembled it. It's great for reading.
-What are those plants?
On my windowsill I have marigolds (no flowers yet), two bell pepper plants donated to me by Ferran, and another plant, also from Ferran, so I only know the name of it in Spanish. There's a cactus on my dresser, the lone survivor of a trio that Dave bought me a few months ago. I thought I'd be good at this stuff after the success of my garden in Visalia, but it turns out my green thumb stops working indoors.
-Is that lamp yours?
No. I'll miss it when I leave. The lower extension swivels so I can shine it on my desk or over my reading chair.
-What's that out your window?
-What's that out your window?
The other tower of my building. I can see right into people's rooms at night, and so have to be careful to shut my blinds at appropriate times, as I assume the visibility issue is a two-way street.
-Why do you have two computer screens?
Because my brilliant friend Nic recommended it. The second one plugs into my laptop and I can drag documents, Internet windows, etc. onto it. It's great for writing papers when I have a lot of things open at once.
-I like your map.
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