"...that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?" Well Joni, I'm doing my best to appreciate my idyllic walk to Heritage. Twice a week, spend 40 minutes walking two miles to Heritage High and another glorious 40 walking back. (It's generally more glorious walking back because I'm glowing with the assurance that I haven't been liberated of any personal possessions by my young charges, our Hope for Tomorrow.) Here are some pictures from my pleasant commute:

I spend all but about four blocks walking through either Morningside or Central Park. In the mornings it's generally pretty quiet, and in the afternoons people are walking children and dogs and partners and friends along the sidewalks. I enjoy both settings.

One of my favorite things about the walk is the opportunity to listen to podcasts and lectures (of my choosing, from the Learning Company and NOT by my professors) on my iPod. It's great to be learning something that I'm not going to have to write a paper about later.

Alas, as this entry's title indicates, I know my strolling days are numbered. The bus, which I can catch four blocks from my building and which stops literally outside the high school, takes about 30 minutes and costs $2.25 each way. It's loud and crowded and rather reminiscent of one of the lower circles of Hell which Dante describes so vividly. Nothing short of seriously perilous weather would get me to board that thing, but, alas, that's just what's coming in a few short weeks. In the meantime, I'll try to keep Joni Mitchell's wise words (ungrammatical though they may be) in mind and savor each walk as though it were my last of the season.
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