Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Airport error?

I can only assume that, on my way back to NYC from California, I got on the wrong plane and ended up in the Midwest; I just had an unbelievable experience with a random stranger and New Yorkers aren't supposed to be this nice:

I saw an ad on Craigslist for a free bookshelf and was the first to reply that I wanted it. After carting a load of stuff to my new place from my dorm, which is an 18-block walk that I just can't seem to justify paying the subway or a cab to help me with, Dave and I headed over to pick up the shelf. The girl lived near enough that we figured we could carry the thing the 5 1/2 blocks and up four flights of stairs. The shelf is 7 feet tall, and although it isn't heavy, it certainly was awkward to carry. We met a foursome of people about our age leaving the building who offered to help, but we explained that we were going a few blocks and thanked them anyway.

After three blocks, my hands were aching from gripping the underside of the shelf and being already tired from that initial load I'd moved earlier, I requested a break. Dave and I leaned the shelf on a park bench and took a quick rest. We were just starting to pick it up to head out again when a guy I recognized from the foursome appeared behind us. "Are you sure you don't need help?" he asked. "We've been watching you from the corner, and really, it's no trouble." Dave and I declined again, but the guy insisted. He explained that he and his friends had just finished a church meeting, and he was wearing a BYU sweatshirt, so I figured he was either really a friendly Mormon, or else a clever serial killer disguised as one. I decided to trust him and relinquished my end of the shelf, trotting a little guiltily behind while he and Dave made short work of the remaining blocks.

Not only did he carry his half right to our front door, he pushed it up all four flights of stairs and into the living room of our new place. He chatted with Dave and me the whole time and laughed at all of our jokes. As soon as the shelf was in place, he grinned, repeated that he was happy to do it, and disappeared before we could offer to buy him dinner or at least a cup of coffee.

So even though I'm clearly not in New York, I like it here in the Midwest. I think I'll stay a while.

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