While neither of us is terrible sentimental, we did decide to mark this occasion by retracing our steps from a year ago. We had to do this last night, a day before we met, because Ed flew to Vegas this morning for his brother's bachelor party. (Priorities.) Although it was a bit tricky to find the wine bar - there are tons on the Upper West Side - we managed to, and actually got to sit in the same seats as the first time! Then we walked down the street for dinner at the same sushi place. Since Ed had to be up so early this morning, we decided post-dinner drinks were not necessary, though we did walk back to the 81st St. subway station for a kiss before calling it a night.
It's amazing how time flies. In some ways, it feels I've known him much longer than a year, but in others I can't believe it's already been that long. I think this is a fairly common phenomenon, really, particularly in relationships. It certainly has been a fantastic year, though, and I have Ed to thank for much of it!
So cute!! :)