Monday, February 8, 2010

Who dat?

This picture looks greenish because the lighting was greenish. Mardi Gras decorations are usually purple, green, and gold. I'm not sure if the bar let the hosts pick the color of the light, but it went nicely with the streamers and beads that were everywhere.

I've never been much of a football fan, but when my diehard Saints fan friend Michael, a New Orleans transplant, invited me to a Superbowl party some of his friends were throwing at a bar in midtown, I couldn't resist. If nothing else, I knew I'd enjoy watching Michael watching the game. Luckily for everyone there, the Saints won, and Michael and Co. were just as animated as expected. As a bonus, the place was decked on with Mardi Gras themed decor, and drinks included not just beer but hurricanes (no mint juleps unfortunately).

My third slice of king cake, which tastes a lot like a cinnamon roll

To prevent people from getting too boozy, there were huge platters of homemade jumbalayah and several king cakes Michael's dad had shipped from The Big Easy. Sadly, the small plastic baby that is usually hidden in a king cake for some lucky person to find was packaged separately; something about them not doing it the traditional way if the cakes are shipped out of the city.

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