Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Just a Little Dusting

Ed and I agree that this is the most accumulation we have seen since we moved to Boulder. This morning, my neighbor sunk a yardstick 14 inches into his driveway! The weather has actually been fairly mild, with no strong winds or even guests really, but the snow just kept falling for more than 24 hours. It seems to mostly be done now, but warmer weather isn't forecast for a few more days, so we've got a lot of unmelted snow to look forward to. Here are some pictures from our new home in the Arctic:

Our cozy house, with Mischa's tracks in the front yard

I actually cleared off the top of our mailbox last night...
Check out that layer on the railing! It's at least 10" tall in this picture. It eventually got so high it toppled over.
Poor Hester
We used to have steps. Now we have a slide.
Another angle, to give you a sense of the depth
Mischa loves wading through the snow, even when it is chest-deep. She also races back and forth, pounces onto (we think) imaginary critters under the surface, and crunches on mouthfuls of it. 
What does when do in the weather this snowy? Well, after one has recovered from shoveling the driveway and the sidewalk (and the elderly neighbor's driveway, and the one's own driveway a second time when all the snow that used to be on top of one's car is brushed onto said driveway after it has already been shoveled once...), one meets up with intrepid friends for a snowshoeing adventure in the lovely and nearby Chataqua Park.

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