Sunday, February 20, 2011

Marathon Training: Status Update

I don't really understand my body. I rarely stretch, loathe drinking water if I can help it, and train sporadically, and I'm making nothing but progress in my marathon training - just goes to show that "Know Thyself" is far better advice than what's often touted in running magazines.

The National Marathon is just under five weeks away. After a strong start in my training, I had to take some time off because of a tendonitis flare-up on the top of my left foot; not wanting it to get worse, I stayed off it for about a week. Then I went to Sundance. Then I went to San Francisco. Then it was raining or snowing or I'd just had a huge lunch or I got up too late or... Somehow, I've allowed myself to be stopped in my tracks by every hurdle and have still been progressing with flying colors. I ran 18 miles, then 20 miles, then 24 miles. The gap between my 20- and 24-mile run was 16 days long, and during that time I didn't run a step (well, maybe a few here and there trying to catch a bus). A 20% increase in distance should have been a next-to-impossible outcome. But that's what happened, and I'm thrilled.

This week I'm going to try to be a bit more proactive. I've got a short hill workout planned for today, and then I'll either go tomorrow or rest up, depending how I feel, before another 24-miler on Thursday. After that, tapering begins, and I'll cut my distances but try to increase the frequency at which I go out for short runs to keep myself in racing condition. During the week before the race I'll do no more than 6 miles at one go, and will lay off completely for the day or two preceding the gun. It's been cold, but I've been dressing well for the weather and have been sort of enjoying the pretty snowbanks and sparse showing of other runners. I've started bringing a Hammer Gel packet along with me, and I usually stop for a minute or two halfway through a long run to swallow one before proceeding; it's amazing what a difference they make, and the apple cinnamon flavor tastes remarkably like apple pie.

Not only is it tasty, the hammer design of the package is a big selling point for me.
Where do I go? Thanks to (a site that allows you to measure the distance of a route you design yourself, which I highly recommend to runners/walkers everywhere) I've been able to get pretty creative about planning my runs. My GPS watch keeps a more accurate record of my distance and time when I'm actually out. Lately I've been following the Hudson River south to the tip of Manhattan, then coming north along the East River. Thursday I plan to venture into Brooklyn by taking the Manhattan Bridge out there, circling a park, then taking the Brooklyn Bridge back into Manhattan. A change of scenery will be a nice change. To do this distance using my beloved Central Park route, I'd have to circle the park four times. Central Park is never boring, but I need something a bit more motivational.
Generally, I start along the top edge of this map sort of near where the domed building is, then head left (south), past the Statue of Liberty, and around the tip of Manhattan, then along the East and Harlem Rivers (north). I always cut towards the center of the city at some point so I can finish in Central Park, right next to my building.
Wish me luck! I'm really enjoying the process so far and am already thinking about marathon #2. Pass on suggestions if you have them!

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